Nov 30, 2009

How do you close read a psychologist?

Freud's status as the founder of psychoanalysis is assured, even if many of the specifics of his theories now seem questionable at best. The continued influence of his metapsychology - his map of the psyche, even down to its specifics, remains remarkable. I would argue that he owes much of this to the rhetorical power of his writing. In fact, Freud has frequently been studied as literature. This famous article by the French feminist Helene Cixous may give you an idea about how to look at "the Viennese witch doctor" as a writer. Here is a better link to "The Uncanny" (easier to print out).

1 comment:

  1. The article by Cixous wont open for me, could you post a different link or the title of it so I can find out indeed how to close read this psychologist?
