Sep 16, 2009

for 9/23

Read Lanham's chapter 5 and make some brief notes, summarizing the basic concepts from the book thus far. While this is fairly dull, it will help you to remember the ideas. It will also give me a chance to see if you're finding some points confusing. Some ideas overlap a bit, in case you haven't noticed.

Also: write a short-short story in either the ironic form of Nabokov or the modernist-realist mode of James Joyce. This doesn't mean an imitation. It means trying to use the same tools these authors used. These tools were summarized in class, and in other posts. It's practice, really, being aware of issues like word choice, cultivating an ironic voice, varying your mode of address (to whom do you seem to be speaking?) etc. See what you can do with these elements of prose. Because it's an exercise or experiment, I wouldn't expect it to be polished or necessarily successful as fiction. It's practice. This should be typed, on paper (not your blog), and please bring four copies to share in groups.

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