Aug 24, 2009

Welcome to Close Reading NYC

First make your blog!!

It's probably 8/31 after class or 9/1 the day after class as you read this. In class I gave you a syllabus and told you to start a blog. This blog should be on blogger and should have your first name and first initial followed by as the title. This is so people can find your blog easily. For instance, if your name is Frances Montesquieu, your blog's URL would be

Make your blog and put an introductory note now. In your note, maybe, say something about your taste in prose style - whom do you admire, who would you like to emulate: that's a good place to start.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all! I actually started a blog with blogger a whole ago, but only put up about 7 posts. I think I was able to change the info so that it was what Robin was looking for. It should be

    I favor poetry the most but I enjoy any prose that gives many visuals. I like to feel as if im seeing and not necessarily just reading and having to imagine for myself. In my own writing I would like to be able to show the reader exactly what I see and what I mean with not too much room for interpretation, if this makes any sense, I've been a little rusty this past summer..
